Honestly not sure many of you even realized I was gone seeing as I think I have maybe one or two readers. :-) But that's ok.
The last year and a half has been very full of learning and self-discovery. Being in nursing school full-time and being a full-time mom has been hard and has left me with very little free time. I've also been running low on cheerfulness and didn't really want this blog to become whiny. I'm still struggling to be positive but I am seeing a light at the end of the tunnel and I think that it is time for me to return. Some of the lessons I've learned this last 18 months have been painful, but at the same time liberating. I've been working my way through my faith (or really, lack thereof), I'm learning how to parent pre-teens (scariest job EVER), I'm learning I can't be perfect and that it isn't really healthy for me to try. I'm learning how to draw boundaries around me and not allow other people's drama and bullshit to creep into my life or at least not take on the burden of their crap. I'm learning that there are many different kinds of love and learning that each has a place in my life. I've made some really terrific friends. I fell into a relationship that seemed fantastic and perfect only to learn that perfection like that only happens in the movies. In reality I learned that some mental illnesses cannot be overcome and it isn't my job to help or heal. I've not done a good job of guarding my heart and I love people that I don't know if they will ever know how much I love them and I'm learning that that is ok too. I'm learning to recognize what my needs are and how to meet them because I am such a better mom, friend, student and basically a better person when I am having my needs met.
I do hope to post on a regular basis. I start back to school in just TWO days and so it will depend a lot on how my homework load unfolds.
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Hi there! Happy to hear from you! I don't mind if you have an opinion different from my own and I'm more than happy to hear it. All I ask is that you be respectful in your delivery. :) Thanks!